What does this project do?
- Changes the label text on a button click.
Follow the following steps....
- Create a new project by selecting New -> New Project from the File menu.A new project window will open, and will show you the project template selection sheet.
- From this sheet, you'll choose a project template to use as astarting point for building your application. The pane on the left side of the sheet isdivided into two main sections: iOS and Mac OS X. Since we're building an iOSapplication, select Application in the iOS section to reveal the iOS application templates.
- Click the Single View Application icon, and then click the Next button.
- You'll see the project options sheet.On this sheet, you need to specify the Product Name and Company Identifier for your project. Xcode will combine the two of those to generate a unique Bundle Identifier for your app. Name your product Hello World, and then enter com.apress in the Company Identifier field.
To create a new empty project
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