Run iOS Simulator To build and run your app, you can use the iOS Simulator app that's included in Xcode. As its name impliesiOS Simulator gives you an idea of how your app would look and behave if it were running on an iOS device iOS Simulator can model a number of different types of hardware—iPad, iPhone with different screen sizes, and so on. As a result, you can simulate your app on every device you're developing for.
Alternatively, you can choose Product -> Run (or press Command-R). If this is the first time you're running an app, Xcode asks whether you'd like to enable developer mode onyour Mac. Developer mode allows Xcode access to certain debugging features without requiring you toenter your password each time. Decide whether you'd like to enable developer mode and follows the prompts. If you choose not to enable it, you may be asked for your password later on. The tutorials assumedeveloper mode is enabled. Watch the Xcode toolbar as the build process completes.Xcode displays messages about the build process in the activity viewer, which is in the middle of thetoolbar.After Xcode finishes building your project, iOS Simulator starts automatically. It may take a few moments tostart up the first time. Run the app created just now.Your simulator will look like this.
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