JDBC Program

//Program to retrieve the contents from the database when you query it
//with a specific Name
//Database name: db1
//Table Name: staff
//Fields in the table: ID, Name, Age
//Note: Steps to create DSN is given in jdbcSteps.php in the same portal

import java.sql.*;

import java.lang.*;

import java.io.*;

class NameSearch


public static void main(String args[]){

int i=0;


// loading the driver


String dbUrl="jdbc:odbc:ABC";

// getting the connection

Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl,"","");

//get content from table, create an object of statement class

Statement stmt=con.createStatement();

DataInputStream in=new DataInputStream(System.in);

System.out.print("\n\nEnter the first letter of the First name :-->");

String s=in.readLine();

//get response

ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery("Select * from staff where Name like


while(rs.next()) {

System.out.println("\nName is: "+rs.getString ("Name"));

System.out.println("Age is: "+rs.getInt("Age"));



System.out.println("\nNumber of records found: "+i);


System.out.println("\n !!!...NO Records Found...!!!");


catch(Exception e)






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