Tutorial series on Basic4Android


Installing Basic4Android and Android SDK

Basic4android depends on two additional (free) components:

  • Java JDK
  • Android SDK

Installation instructions:

The first step should be to install the Java JDK as Android SDK requires it as well. Note that there is no problem with having several versions of Java installed on the same computer.

Download the Java 6 JDK.

  • Select "Windows" in the platform combo box (for 64 bit machines as well). Android   SDK doesn't work with Java 64bit JDK. You should install the regular JDK for 64bit computers as well.
  • - Press on the red Continue button. There is no need to sign in! If for some reason you don't see the red Continue button try to switch to a different browser.

On the next page you should press on the file link:

- Download the file and install it.

Next step is to install the Android SDK and a platform:

  • Download Android SDK.
  • Install the SDK.
  • When the application opens it will show a page with all the available packages. Press       "Cancel" button as you do not need to install all the platforms.
  • Choose "Available Packages" and choose "SDK Platform 2.2, API 8". It should appear under the "Android repository" node. The file structure of API 9 is different. For now you should use API 8.

Note that you can install more packages later.

- Press on Install Selected and install both packages.

Install and configure Basic4android

Download and install Basic4android.

  • Open Basic4android.
  • Choose Tools menu - Configure Paths.

- Use the browse buttons to locate "javac.exe" and "android.jar" javac is located under <java folder>\bin. android.jar is located under <android-sdk-windows>\platforms\android-8

On Windows 64 bit, Java will probably be installed under C:\Program Files (x86).

Next >> Installing Android Emulator

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