Let us now create a simple Quiz App

    1. Open Basic4Android: Save a File and then package name

    2. Click on Designer-Add View( Here you can add a buttons, checkbox, imageview and soon)

    3. Now add 1 imageview,2 Labels, 1 Textbox and 2 Buttons as shown below

    Click on Imageview1(Abstract designer tools)-Add image-select the image as shown below

    4. Click on Designer script (Here we can set the height and width of the views) as shown below

    5. Go to Tools: Generate Members (from the designer form)> This tool allows you to add the declaration code for the designer views and to add event subs.

    Note that you only need to declare views that you intend to access by code. Nothing will happen if you select an existing item (there will be no duplicated code).

    Click on Generate Members

    6. In designer form After finishing all these, go to File- Save then a window will appear, write the layout name and then click OK

    7. Close the Designer Form.

    8. Now write the following code for sub activity_create

    Code for btnnext_click

    Code for btncheck_click

    9. Press F5 or (Run button) to compile and run your program to the emulator.


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