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Bootstrap: Very good option for Web developers

  1. Developed with CSS, JavaScript and HTML by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter, Bootstrap is a front end framework for designing the responsive websites. It was initially called as Twitter Blueprint
  2. Website developers use available extensively used Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), some developers code their own CSS and some who do not want to spend much time and money use standard CSS templates and for such developers Bootstrap is right option
  3. Bootstrap framework has a grid system which is easy to use. It incorporates most of the HTML elements, has an extensive list of styling components, inbuilt Javascript plugins. It also provides with many readymade templates.
  4. Responsive websites can be developed using Bootstrap
  5. It has good documentation with try yourself examples for starters.
  6. It also has wide browser-compatiblity.
  7. It can be used for any volume of content as it is scalable
  8. It can be used used in mobile phones, laptops and desktops
  9. Bootstrap is a opensource software. It's hosted, developed and maintained on GitHub
  10. visit the link http://getbootstrap.com/

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